About the Author


Hi there,

Ι‘m Uzoma, an Industrial Chemist. Writing and making art works are my passions. Here, my stories are mostly fiction and sometimes spotlight bits of the culture and lifestyle of the Igbo people (a south-eastern tribe in Nigeria).

I invite you explore, read, and comment on whatever piques your interest.


I meela (Thank you)

94 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Uzo thank you for stopping and liking today’s post. I look forward to following your blog as your write and share your stories. I am confident it will be a worthy journey to embark upon,

    Take care,


  2. Hi, Uzo. I just stopped by. You blog is impressive and the content looks nice. I just subscribed via email and I hope to stop by more often. I think we should connect on Twitter also. Thanks! BTW, best wishes with your novel 🙂

    1. Awwww…that’s very sweet of you to drop by, Soumyav. Yes, I’m learning about life in your region via your writings. Your blog has been a treat and I can’t imagine going through the year without it.

  3. Hello Uzo,
    I’ve enjoyed what read so far and am following your blog posts.
    Thank you for visiting and reading my posts too.
    I suppose we’ll be “seeing” more of each other’s writing.
    Cheers, Eric 🙂

    1. I must apologize for the late visit. Frankly I blame myself for it. Yes, I’d like us to keep in touch. I love good stories and my! You have a lot on your blog. I plan to comment more over the weekend.

      Remain blessed, my writer friend!

  4. African society has always been an eye-catching thing for me. During my trip to Saudi Arabia, I came across my Nigerians who introduced me to everything that exists in there; the people, the culture, life set up and much more. I’ve got few good friends from there too. I am glad to have found your blog in this wide sea of bloggers and of course followed too. I’ve seen you’ve compiled it really beautifully. It’s a delight to be along you in this journey.
    Blessings for you.

    1. Awww, It’s so nice to meet you, Hira (what a pleasant name)! I’m mighty glad you still have an interest in my country and its people. So, I welcome you with open arms. Please feel free to comment here, or contact me via email. Yes, I’d very much like us to get acquainted because I believe I can learn also from you. Here is my email: 85degrees@gmx.com

      The ride is a gracious and interesting one. And I am happy to your tour guide 🙂

      Blessings to you too, my dear friend.

    1. I apologize I’m getting back to this comment of yours late. It must’ve slipped in between other comments. That aside, I appreciate all your support and contribution 🙂 and I hope to keep the fire burning

  5. Wonderful blog post,, i have been cooking food from west africa and sharing a few facts also and i have learned so much check my blog out and enter my giveaway*_*

    1. Oh dear, it will be my pleasure! I promise to continue exploring your blog tomorrow (as it is very late at night now). I love your ideas and would love to enter for the giveaway. Oh, I’ve already paid you a visit.

  6. Uzo, coming to your blog was like stepping into an old friend’s home. Very real, comfortable, relaxing. Great job. I’ll visit again very soon.


    1. Aw, thank you so much, Domica. I’m glad that you love what you see you and I look forward to seeing you sometime again.

  7. I’m very pleased to have followed you to your blog, I must say that you are very talented; I will certainly be returning when my spirit needs uplifting – if not before.

    1. You reward me with another kind visit. ‘Talented’ will definitely blow my head out of proportion. However, it’s the nicest compliment and I thank you for it.

      1. You’re so very welcome Uzoma, I meant what I said you’re TALENTED! And have an amazing skill for drawing in the reader’s imagination and passing on the rhythm in your voice.


  8. Beautiful blog Uzoma! i find Africa as a continent intriguing and your space seems like a great place to explore some of its nuances. look forward to reading your stories 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Madhu. It will be a great thing to have you here anytime. And yes, I do believe Africa has a lot to show the world, just like India, or Asia in general.

    1. Namaste, Soma.

      I’m SO happy to welcome you on board 🙂 Here I share a lot about my people and Africa in general. Hope you to see around some more.

      A wonderful weekend to you, too 🙂

  9. Experts say if you want people to follow your blog, follow a bunch of blogs yourself. I don’t. However, thanks to your being Eric Alagan’s August blogger pick, I found you, checked out your blog, and decided to follow. Worthwhile.

    1. Aw, that’s so sweet of you, Juliana. And it’s my pleasure to welcome you aboard. I’m hopeful you will enjoy the African tales here and cultures promoted.

      1. I used to be married to a Urhobo person so I know a little about your area of Nigeria. Since you saw the road trip photos, you saw our daughter, Ema Mowoe. Her grandfather and some of her relatives are rather famous folks.

        1. Wow! Urhobo? I know a lot about the area of Delta state and am so pleased you mentioned it.Most of them are very rich!

          I’m not from Delta but I have been working in the state for the past five years. So, allow me to call you “sister.”

          Ema is beautiful. Please say “hi” to her for me. I believe you are also famous in your own right.

          Thanks for sharing this story with me, Juliana.

  10. Hello Uzo, I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t been over yet to see your wonderful blog. I’ve been reading some of your poems and they’re fantastic! Would you mind if I reblogged one? I think many would be happy to enjoy your post as I am now. Bastet.

    1. No problem at all. As a matter of fact, it’ll be an honour and I’m super happy you find my poems worth reading.

      I’m grateful for the comments, Bastet.

  11. Dear Uzoma, I am new to the world of bloggers. I am an absolute baby in the business and just working on populating my blog as we speak. I fell across your’s by chance and so glad I did! I love your work and look forward to buying a hard copy of your books when they arrive. I will visit you on a regular basis to read your stories with a cup of tea in hand. best wishes.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Oracle. I will be more than willing to gift you a free copy of my book once it’s ready.

      Hope that when I resume blogging, my posts will once more appeal to you.

  12. I have been reading through different blog posts and you have produced some serious bodies of work. Stay focused and I hope to hear from you in March.

    1. Thanks for the visit, friend. I’m pleased you find my works interesting and intend to visit again, this month. Please do. I hope not to disappoint you.

    1. Hello Staci (what a lovely name!)

      Thanks for the visit. I sure hope that when you visit again, you will have more time, find more interesting things here. Like you, discovering new places and cultures is one of my many passions. I wouldn’t mind learning about yours — that’s if it is available.

      Best wishes,

      1. Big smile. Of course it’s available. If you check out my About page you’ll see the various places I’ve been and lived. I’m Canadian, but living in north-east Brazil. I’ve never been to Africa, but one day have high hopes to explore your great continent. I actually had a music teacher from Nigeria when I was doing a music course in Perth, Australia.
        Blessings =)

  13. May your wish come true! I love Brazil — never been there, though 🙂 So you did have a Nigerian teacher? That’s good to know. I wonder if she told you people much about Nigeria and her diverse cultures.

  14. Dear Uzoma, How lovely to have found you. My friend and yours Ronnie asked me to stop by as she said you were having trouble with your soap. I have a small sustainable farm and make my own soap from the pigs lard – i grow the pigs right here in my fields. Anyway i do have some very experienced soap makers in my readership and would be happy to pass you questions on, though i see you are a chemist as well as a writer so more than likely you have solved your problems already. If you like: Write to me on celima.g.7@gmail.com and I will pass your questions on to emily who used to have her own soap making business.. your writing is wonderful, i look forward to reading more.. take care.. c

    1. Oh Cecila, you need to see the big smile on my face as I read your comment. First, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time to visit and leave me a comment. Yes, Ronnie is my dear friend. And I’m delighted to make your acquaintance as well.

      I agree am a chemist, but then I can’t boast about knowing it all. I am eager to learn more methods–cost-effective, if possible–of making soap, so please, see me as a student. My biggest challenge at the moment are two things: the application of fragrance and the appearance of the soap when it’s ready to be poured into a mould (I’m using the Cold-System Double Boiler Hot Process, which makes use of two pots). Here, our big soap company use the hot-process soap. These soaps have less “curing” time and retain their fragrance. In my country we don’t have the luxury of oils, just the PKO (palm kernel oil) and palm oil. Well, I’m going to tell you more via email. My questions will be included.

      I’m impressed by what you are doing and producing; you and your family, for the most part, are independent.

          1. Okay. I’ll do that. Yes, the morning azured my neighborhood. Wish you a good day. Will drop by your site after composing the mail.

  15. I feel good to visit your blog as your articles are spontaneously written more-so as I may learn more on rich culture of Nigeria. With kind regards and best wishes.

  16. Thanks for liking my post Uzo. I’d really appreciate if you follow my blog and maybe comment sometimes, thanks again. By the way, I love what you do here, I’m definitely following your blog

  17. Hello, Uzoma

    This is Tebogo from The Amateur’s Quill blog. I’m not sure if you remember me. I was just stopping by to check if you’re still alive and blogging. Quite pleased to see that you are. Three/four years non-stop?? (In terms of blogging, I mean. Haha) Well done on being so consistent!

    1. Of course I remember you, Tebogo – you helped promote some of my works on another site!

      How do you do? Yeah, it’s been long since I saw you around. Well, I think I have myself to blame for that because I have not been around of for some time now – life keeps getting in the way, I guess. But I intend to make a full comeback sometime this year.

      Thanks for stopping by. It means the world to me.

      1. I’ve been alright. Life got in the way at my end as well. Hence the disappearance. It’s good to see you doing so well. Can’t wait for the ‘full comeback’. Make it soon. Take care.

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